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Kanghua wire saw machine was included in the Quality Pioneer Archive by China Quality News Network

Published time:2019-07-17 17:11:07

Kanghua wire saw machine was rated as quality pioneer by China Quality News Network

Since Guilin Kanghua won the CCTV Ingenuity Column report in 2018 and became the first company in the industry to receive CCTV reports, in 2019, the Kanghua wire saw machine once again sent good news. The mining “diamond wire saw machine” produced by Guilin Kanghua Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd. was awarded “Quality Pioneer” by China Quality News Network. So what is the "China Quality News Network"? Please look down.


Introduction to China Quality News Network

China Quality News Network, also known as China Quality Inspection Network, is the head of the AQSIQ and approved by the State Council Information Office. It is the only news website in the quality inspection field. It seems that this is a national website website and can enter the company. It's not a "leisure"!


China Quality News Network monitors consumption, supports superiority and cures the legitimate rights and interests of users, and China Quality News Network tracks the news events in the production and consumption field from an exclusive perspective, reflects the voices of consumers and experts, and discloses unqualified products and Production (processing) enterprises, expose the production and sale of counterfeit and shoddy goods. By setting up comments, questionnaires and other columns, we will analyze the infringement cases in the consumer field, introduce the consumers to use and identify the knowledge and methods of using the products, and provide consumers with authoritative, impartial, guiding and practical services.

The construction of China Quality News Network is an important part of China's quality inspection business. All the comrades of the website regard the service government, the service society, the service enterprise and the consumers (users) as their sacred duties, and will redouble their efforts to build China's quality news network into important national quality information, authoritative interpretation of policies and regulations, and communication of the people. An important bridge. The question is again, what is the "Quality Pioneer Archive"? Then please continue to look down.

Introduction to Quality Pioneer Archives

"Quality Pioneer Archives" is used to select high-quality enterprises and products in the country. On the China Quality News Network, the company has established a credible "product file" and "quality pioneer archives" project. It is initiated by China Quality News Network, in 2017 1 The month officially began to implement. China Quality News Network is the authority of the AQSIQ and approved by the State Internet Information Office. It has a class of qualified authoritative news websites.

Consumption upgrade and manufacturing in China

At present, China is facing a new wave of consumption upgrades. With the improvement of living standards, people pay more attention to the quality of life, and put forward higher requirements from all aspects of eating, wearing and living. Consumption upgrades have driven China's entire industry chain to evolve rapidly from quantity to quality. In the pre-event of China's full-scale development into the 13th Five-Year Plan, General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward an important directive of "three transformations" during the inspection in Henan, namely, "Made in China creates transformation in China, China's speed changes to China's quality, and Chinese products to Chinese brands." "Transfer" has become an important guiding principle for China's economic transformation and upgrading during the 13th Five-Year Plan period. In 2015, Li Keqiang, the general manager of the State Council, proposed “Made in China 2025” at the State Council executive meeting. It also pointed out that Chinese enterprises should change from low-cost competitive advantage to quality and efficiency competitive advantage in the next decade, reflecting China’s determination to establish a world-building power. .

Quality Pioneer Archives purpose

From low-cost Chinese manufacturing to branded Chinese quality, the next decade is a new opportunity and new challenge that must be grasped by Chinese enterprises. In response to the government's call, the “Quality Pioneer Archives” project of China's good products, led by “China Quality News Network” (also known as China Quality Inspection Network,, came into being. Authoritative project background, high-quality content display and mobile internet technology application, build a high-quality platform for China's good enterprises and good products to display products and establish brands, and become a driving force for China's various industries to reshape China in the domestic market and international market. Create an important means of quality confidence.

Kanghua's award of this honor is a recognition of the efforts of each of our Kanghua people for many years and gives us great encouragement. For details, please click on Kanghua Wire Saw Machine Quality Pioneer File