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Kanghua takes the power saving King wire saw machine to participate in 2019 Dubai big 5 Stone Fairs

Published time:2019-12-05

BIG5, the five industry exhibitions of Dubai, UAE, 2019, was held from November 25, 2019 to November 28, 2019. Our company participated in this grand meeting wi

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Kanghua Wire Saw Machine won the Excellent Award of 2019 China Creator Competition

Published time:2019-08-16

Kanghua Power-Saving Master Wire Saw Machine won the Excellent Award of 2019 China Creator Guangxi Small and Medium Enterprises Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

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Kanghua won the second prize of 2019 China Creator SME Competition

Published time:2019-08-16

Kanghua wire saw machine won another award: the second prize of Guangxi Guilin Branch of 2019 China Creator SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

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Kanghua won the Excellent Enterprise award in the 2019 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

Published time:2019-08-07

Kanghua wire saw machine won the Excellent Enterprise award in the 2019 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in the Guilin Selection Competition of Guangxi Division

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Warmly celebrate Kanghua won the second prize of 2019 China Creator Competition

Published time:2019-07-19

Kanghua won the second prize of Guangxi Guilin Branch of 2019 China Creator SME Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.

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Kanghua Wire Saw Machine in Moscow Stone Fair!

Published time:2019-07-17

On June 22, 2019, the sales team of Kanghua company took a flight to Moscow at Beijing International Airport. After a long flight of seven hours, they arrived in Moscow on June 23 and stayed at the KOCMOC Hotel. The trip of Kanghua wire saw machine in Mos

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Shock! The first Chinese 3D printing wire saw machine was born in Kanghua!

Published time:2019-07-17

The latest achievement of the 3D Printing Wire Saw Machine developed by Kanghua company and Guilin Electronics University is based on Kanghua actual 55KW wire saw machine by using the latest 3D printing technology at 1:100 ratio, which solves the problem

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Kanghua fifth generation power-saving master series mine wire saw machine grand listing limited time

Published time:2019-07-17

Good news! In order to celebrate the grand launch of the Power-saving Master series of the fifth-generation wire saw machine of our company (Guilin Kanghua Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd.), the four-generation and fifth-generation wire saw machines

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Kanghua wire saw machine was included in the Quality Pioneer Archive by China Quality News Network

Published time:2019-07-17

Since Guilin Kanghua won the CCTV Ingenuity Column report in 2018 and became the first company in the industry to receive CCTV reports, in 2019, the Kanghua wire saw machine once again sent good news. The mining “diamond wire saw machine” produced by Guil

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Our company attended the 19th Xiamen International Stone Fair successfully

Published time:2019-03-12

China National Television CCTV recommended company - Guilin Kanghua Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd. brought the product diamond wire saw machine and wire saw to make a wonderful appearance at the 19th China Xiamen International Stone Fair

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Notice on the Declaration of Guilin Huaye Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Infringing the Intellect

Published time:2019-02-14

Guilin Huaye Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. without the permission of our company, the wire sawing machine produced by it completely adopts the appearance patent of our products, which has a serious impact on our products and market.

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2018 Kanghua Wire Saw Machine Company Annual Meeting was held in Chaoyang Legend Villa

Published time:2019-01-27

The annual meeting of Guilin Kanghua Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd. was held in Guilin Chaoyang Legend Villa on January 26, 2019.The main management personnel of the company at the annual meeting, Mr. Mao and Mr. Zheng, successively spoke.

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Celebration National Day and kanghua 27th anniversary celebration wire saw machine preferential acti

Published time:2018-10-08

On the occasion of the 69th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China National Day and the 27th anniversary of kanghua electromechanical

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Our company attended the 4th guizhou (anshun) international stone fair successfully

Published time:2018-09-03

The 4th guizhou (anshun) international stone fair and the 4th national stone carving design competition opened in China (anshun) on August 26, with the theme of

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CCTV Ingenuity Column reports our company

Published time:2018-04-30

The Ingenuity Column of CCTV9 channel interviewed and reported to our company.

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Kanghua self-driving tour.

Published time:2018-04-22

China's Guangxi March 3rd holiday, our company organized the team to travel. We came to the beautiful scenery of Hunan Nanshan Ranch.

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