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Diamond rope saw cutting in new areas

Published time:2019-01-23 16:34:11

As we cut diamond wire saw is widely used, we also through trial and exploration in actual construction, and combining with the theory of theoretical knowledge and extension, and now our diamond wire saw cutting this technology has to mature period, and the scope of the use of our wire saw is constantly expanding, now in addition to traditional concrete cutting and bridge cutting is putting the technology popularization to submarine cable cutting, we apply the new technology of diamond wire saw cutting should be capable of cutting steel components, diamond wire saw cutting has small kerf, construction efficiency, low noise, Environmental protection and other notable points for the enterprise greatly reduce the cost of time, and the cost of building remodeling.

<a href= target=_blank class=infotextkey>Diamond rope saw</a> cutting in new areas

The extensive application of diamond rope saw technology breaks the limitation of knowledge cutting straight plate, and can be extended to cutting heterosexual plate, no longer confined to the surface of the object, making the construction site requirements more extensive.